What to do if your flight is cancelled or delayed?

The information below will help you understand what you are and aren’t covered for, steps to follow if you’re stuck at an airport due to a delayed or cancelled flight.

As a nib customer the first thing to be aware of is that a travel delay must be at least six hours to meet the criteria for all nib policies. If you know you’ll be stuck at the airport for more than six hours you should contact the airline carrier or tour operator in the first instance to seek a refund, credit, or some form of financial compensation or arrangement specific to your needs.

What to do if your flight is delayed or cancelled

Step 1: Find out the reason for the flight delay or cancellation 

If you think it could be more than just a short period of time (at least six hours), it’s worth finding out some information which can help if you need to make a claim, or claim compensation or a refund against the airline: 

Step 2: Get it in writing

You should ask the airline service desk to provide written evidence of why the flight was delayed or cancelled. nib travel insurance covers certain events, so you’ll need to show it was one of these for any claim to be successful. If it’s because of bad weather, then ask them to put that in writing for you. 

Step 3: Get a refund or get the carrier to reschedule your flight

If you have been left out of pocket or incurred expenses because of the delay, then you MUST seek compensation in the first instance. This should be through rearranging or rescheduling your plans, or a refund from the airline or scheduled public transport providers. If you decide to make a claim for any costs you've incurred, then you’ll need evidence you tried to get a refund first (keep all those receipts and documents). If you don’t have evidence, it may delay any claim you make.

Step 4:  Keep all your documents

If you’re still out of pocket after contacting your airline or travel provider for compensation, you can make a claim under your nib travel insurance.  We will consider all the information available to use and make a decision on your claim.  As part of that process, the more documentation you show you have incurred expenses because of a covered event, the more quickly we will be able to determine your claim. 

If you have any further questions about what's covered and not covered, just ask us.


What am I covered for in case of a flight delay?

If there is a confirmed travel delay you are covered for this benefit under the Comprehensive, Essentials and Annual Multi Trip Plans.

What is covered?

We will cover you if during your trip your pre-paid scheduled public transport is cancelled, rescheduled or delayed due to an unforeseen reason outside your control, and you are subsequently delayed for at least 6 hours.

We will cover you for:

  1. The reasonable cost of rearranging your travel arrangements to resume your pre-paid arrangements; and
  2. The cost of reasonable additional accommodation and meals.

What if I miss my connecting flight?

You are covered for this benefit under the Comprehensive and Annual Multi Trip Plans.

What is covered?

If you’ve missed your connecting flight, we will cover you if your trip is interrupted by an event that is not anticipated, is unexpected, and is outside of your control, and you are unable to arrive at your destination by the time originally scheduled for the purpose of attending the following:

We will pay for the reasonable additional cost of using alternative public transport to arrive at the destination on time.

What if I have emergency expenses to avoid a disaster?

You are covered for this benefit under the Comprehensive, Essentials and Annual Multi Trip Plans.

What is covered?

During your trip, we will cover you for reasonable additional travel arrangements you make within 48 hours of a public warning being issued in the mass media of severe weather, natural disaster, riot, strike or civil insurrection that is likely/expected to directly impact your travel arrangements.

Grab your nib travel insurance today.

What to know if you’re making a claim for a missed, or delayed flight 

If you end up stuck at in an airport due to a cancelled or delayed flight and you intend to make a claim for unexpected and unavoidable expenses, you’ll need to provide the following: 

  Check out the nib  how to make a claim page for more information.    

What is not covered?

Travel insurance is not designed to cover everything, so take the time to read the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Here and the main things that aren’t covered: